I am a PhD Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Economics (Statistics and Econometrics), Universidad de Málaga (Spain).
I hold a PhD. in Economics, Business, Finance and Computer Sciences, in the field of Applied Macroeconomics, co-directed by Máximo Camacho (Universidad de Murcia) and Emilio Congregado (Universidad de Huelva).
I was granted with a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (2017-2022) and was a Predoctoral Researcher in the Department of Economics, Universidad de Huelva (Spain).
Lines of research: Business Cycle and Labour Economics. My work is focused on time series analysis, Bayesian econometrics and applied macroeconomics.
Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies. Universidad de Málaga. Plaza de el Ejido. 29071 Málaga (Spain)
Phone: (+34) 627 10 84 99 E-mail: rodriguezsantiago@uma.es anam.rodriguezsantiago@gmail.com